樱木花盗 发表于 2008-10-6 00:32:24

It’s my ball. 

A:Let’s play football<br /><br />Everyone:Great!<br /><br />C:I’ll be the goalkeeper.<br /><br />B:Why?<br /><br />C:I’m thirteen years old.I’m older than you.<br /><br />D:I’ll be the goalkeeper.<br /><br />C: Why?<br /><br />D: I’m 165 centimetres.I’m taller than you.<br /><br />E: I’ll be the goalkeeper.<br /><br />D:Why?<br /><br />E:I’m as tall as you . But I’m stronger.<br /><br />A:I’ll be the goalkeeper.<br /><br />E:Why?<br /><br />A:It’s my ball.<br />

七七小巫 发表于 2008-10-6 02:00:10

<p><font face=幼圆 color=#0000ff size=4>莫非这就是传说中的冷笑话</font></p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4></font> </p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4></font> </p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4></font> </p><p><font color=#0000ff size=4></font> </p><p> </p>
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