我恨我痴心 发表于 2008-1-2 06:14:45


&lt;div class=cnt>经常在网上、IRC看<font color=#000000>到国外黑客</font>奇怪的语言,有通用符号、Unicode符号、字母、数字等。今天在网上找到了资料,原来是1337语言;)<br /><br />1337 is the language of hackers and newbies across the internet. Also, the words in 1337 are usually short(ie "are" becomes "r") and intentionally spelt wrong(ie "the" becomes "teh", this is most common with e switching places and o&#39;s becoming p&#39;s).<br /><br />1337 is the language in which numbers and symbols are put together to look like letters. Some people create their own 1337 letters and it makes them look more 1337 by fellow 1337-speakers. Here is an alphabet of 1337 letters I know and have created:<br /><br />A: 4 or l&#92; or ^ or @ or /&#92; or /-&#92;<br />B. l3 or 8 or ? or ]3 or l:<br />C: ( or &lt; or ? or ¢<br />D: l) or l&gt; or ])<br />E:3 or £<br />F: l= or # or ?<br />G:6 or 9<br />H: # or l-l or (-) or !-! or }-{ or }{ or l+l or )+( or !+! or }+{<br />L: 1 or ! or ][<br />J: _l or _/<br />K: l&lt; or l( or l{ or l&lt;=<br />L: l_ or ! or 1<br />M: l&#92;/l or /&#92;/&#92; or l&#92;l&#92; or ^^<br />N: l/l or /&#92;/<br />O: 0 or () or &lt;&gt; or * or ? or or<br />P: l* or l&gt; or |D or l^ or l+<br />Q:&amp; or (&#92;) or ?<br />R: l2 or ?<br />S: 5 or $ or<br />T:+ or 7<br />U: l_l or /_/<br />V: &#92;/<br />W:|/&#92;| or &#92;/&#92;/ or |/&#92;/ or &#92;/&#92;|<br />X: &gt;&lt; or }{ or :-:<br />Y: ¥<br />Z: 2<br /><br />()/&#92;/&#92;9 7^l+l+ 15 73)-( 1337 #l&#92;:-:&lt;&gt;l2 1 +()l_l&gt; _/&lt;&gt;* ^l3l_l+ /&#92;/&#92;3}-{ #1213l/ll&gt;!!!1!!11!1!! )+(3 |D&#92;l&#92;/l/l2.<br /><br />translation:Oh my god that is the leet hacker I told you about my friend! He owns.<br /><br />Common mispellings:<br />the = teh<br />that = taht<br />take = taek<br />own = pwn<br />you = joo<br />dude = jood<br /><br />common phonetic replacements(always used in true 1337):<br />f = ph<br />ck == xx<br /><br />*there is no &#39;F&#39; in true 1337, it is replaced by the &#39;ph&#39; phonetic in true 1337<br /><br />**acceptable when not replaced by a symbol_|00 |2 4/&#92;/ |_||&#92;|1337 (_)83|2 |-|4&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;0|2<br /><br />Translation: You are an unleet uber hacker<br /><br />一个转换地址:<a target=_blank href="http://home.no.net/hellshl/main/translate.html" target=_blank><font color=#006699>http://home.no.net/hellshl...</font></a><br />1337手册: Sams.1337.h4x0r.h4ndb00k.Aug.2005.chm&lt;/div>

⒈朲苼萿﹎ 发表于 2008-1-2 08:11:10

<p><img height=128 src=\"http://xa.photo.store.qq.com/http_imgload.cgi?/rurl2=225cd2a17054df5947ec70c32102767ef7e655d9aa077f95a57f4b4b101db0c5c8d8fcf2a6e73854d3301d25f1224fccd792b6ab5696ad376b812b5b1cd699b3962d5069558345e7850fecd9a5d74012c158c541\" width=128 border=0 /></p>
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